Chilling - the blog
Reactive dogs and private fields – a view…

I am prompted to talk, a little, about how we deal with dogs who have experienced some traumatic event. There is an increasing trend to ‘help’ dogs who are maybe fearful or ‘reactive’ (a much-overused term in my opinion) to keep them away from situations that cause them problems. There are many people that only exercise their dogs in private fields, away from other dogs.
My dogs’ reactive – it’s a thing…

My dogs’ reactive – it’s a thing… I have touched on ‘reactive dogs in the past. I am prompted to touch on the subject again. Increasingly, people are asking on social media for places were they can exercise their dogs away from other dogs. The reason usually given is that […]
Tell tail signs…

Tell tail signs… This is a subject that I have touched upon before. It is, however, worth looking at again. I witnessed a situation, today, escalate rapidly into a multi-dog melee. I stopped to chat with a lady with her two dogs. We saw another couple approaching with their young […]
A quiet approach…

A quiet approach… My better half Sue, First in the Q, works with highly stressed people. We often discuss elements of our work. There are, often, striking similarities in how we approach humans and dogs, in my case. Sue holds an MSc in Mindfulness and is always seeking to develop […]
What is a canine behaviourist?

ANYONE can call themselves a canine behaviourist. This seems to be a growing trend with dog trainers (a different discipline) to also promote themselves as a canine behaviourist. To clarify, I am educated in canine behaviour to level 5 – a 2-year course of study resulting in a fully qualified canine behaviourist. A level 3, for example, studies some aspects of canine behaviour for, usually, around 6 months – this DOES NOT qualify them as a canine behaviourist.
Run away!…

Run away!… Fearful dogs are of particular interest to me. I see an awful lot of them. Often, owners are making the problem worse. Not deliberately of course, They are, simply doing things that reinforce the fearful behaviour. I saw another example of this today. I met a very nice […]
Understanding dogs…

Understanding dogs – misconceptions I was prompted to write this post after making a few comments on a piece in a local paper – I was disappointed to note some of the responses and the apparent, lack of understanding relating to dogs and their owners. The thrust of the […]
Positive action, not evasive action helps our dogs

Positive action, not evasive action helps our dogs When out walking with my dog (Ziggy), I meet many people with their dogs. I am struck by how many of these dogs display some type of behavioural issue, or other. Many of these owners are not, really, helping their dogs overcome […]
Parallels between helping dogs and humans

Parallels between helping dogs and humans Following on from my last post about traumatised dogs; my, much better half, Sue ( ) and I, often discuss the parallels that exist between her work, dealing with people with complex mental health issues and, mine – dealing with dogs, often, exhibiting […]
Reactive dogs are traumatised dogs
Reactive dogs are traumatised dogs Throughout the dog community you will see references to ‘reactive dogs.’ Indeed, there are quite a few courses, that offer to help these ‘reactive dogs’ in group sessions. The other, common sight, is a dog wearing a coat that signals it is ‘reactive’ or, has […]
Stressed dog owners
We seem be be living in an, increasingly, stressful world. We worry about what people are saying on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media outlet. We worry about what people think about us in any circumstances throughout the day. When considering dog owners, I see more and more people […]
Reactive dogs – help them…
Over the past week or so, I have met a number of owners of ‘reactive dogs.’ Two different examples follow. The first person had 2 dogs, one of which was a nervy, mildy reactive terrier. He’d been attacked a couple of times and now snapped at other dogs. Therefore, the […]
A fearful tale
Dog aggression is often misunderstood by owner and onlookers, alike. On the surface, it is scary and, of course, threatening. It is important to understand that aggression can be the result of many issues, often not obvious to the owner. It is all too easy to adopt the wrong approach […]